The materials on this Web site are for informational purposes only and do not constitute legal advice. Transmission of the information on this Web site is not intended to create, and receipt of it does not constitute, a lawyer-client relationship. You should not rely upon this information without seeking professional counsel.
The transmission of any information to any of our people does not create a lawyer-client relationship. If you have not received a written statement from us that we represent you, do not send us information concerning a legal problem or question, as that information may not be privileged or confidential.
We look forward to hearing from you. However, before we can begin a lawyer-client relationship, we need to know that we will not have a conflict of interest in the representation. Also, we cannot treat unsolicited information as confidential. Because of that, do not send us any information about any matter that may involve you until you receive a written statement from us that we represent you (an "engagement letter").
The best way for you to initiate a possible representation is to call Irwin Law Office PLC at 507.664-1155. We will first take you through our conflict of interest procedure and see that our legal abilities are suited to handle your matter. When you receive an engagement letter from Irwin Law, you will be our client, and we may exchange information freely.
This Web site may provide links to other internet sites. Irwin Law Office PLC is not associated with and is not responsible for the content on those sites.